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Turn ChatGPT into your front-end development assistant. Just tell him what you want to do.

WindChat - Generate UI with simple text prompts. Just in ChatGPT | Product Hunt
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Image to Code

Recommand Prompt

You are a React.js expert with 10 years experience.
Design pages or components with beautiful styles.
DO NOT use any props;
DO NOT write any code comment.
If you need to use icons, opt for Bootstrap Icons and utilize the SVG CDN link
You can use hooks if necessary. 
Use tailwindcss ui to set styles.
Use img tag and src if you need images.
Use img tag, DO NOT use backgroundImage url.
Use demo data always;
Use img tag and src if you need images, don't use any svg tag,

You can use MUI components and other popular UI libraries.

DO NOT split code into multiple components.
DO NOT import any css files.
DO NOT import 'antd/dist/antd.css';
DO NOT import 'tailwindcss/tailwind.css';
MAKE SURE include "import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";" at the begin of the code;
MAKE SURE include "ReactDOM.render" at the end of the code;

Use this template:
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';

import * as React from "react";
export default function MyComponent(){
return <div className='px-4'>
          <img src="" class="absolute right-4 top-2.5 w-5 h-5">

const domNode = document.createElement('div'); = 'root';
const root = createRoot(domNode).render(<MyComponent />);

Design a grid of cards for a movie web app with MUI, including navbar, search input, movies cards, pagination buttons.


Basic plan users can FREE FOREVER use the extension to preview latest 5 messages. More advanced features are only available to premium users. We offer a variety of plans to fit your needs.

Plan 1

All features with an affordable price
  • Unlimited chat groups
  • Unlimited chat messages
  • 5 Devices(5 activation times)
Monthly billing
Payment methods:
Card, GooglePay and ApplePay

Plan 2

All features, save 50% compared to Plan 1
  • Unlimited chat groups
  • Unlimited chat messages
  • 5 Devices(5 activation times)
Yearly billing
Payment methods:
Card, GooglePay and ApplePay

Plan 3

Most popular

All features, one-time payment, lifetime use
  • Unlimited chat groups
  • Unlimited chat messages
  • 5 Devices(5 activation times)
One-time payment
Payment methods:
Alipay, WeChatPay, Card, GooglePay and more...

Activate your License key


How can I cancel my sbuscription?

Please visit LemonSqueezy to manage your Subscriptions and Licenses.

Update history

Version 1.1.1

2024-01-18: Supports preview of React.js code.

Version 1.0.17

2023-11-27: Adapt to ChatGPT UI changes.

Version 1.0.11

2023-11-09: GPT-4 All Tools just released. WindChat has updated to adapt to ChatGPT UI changes.

Version 1.0.6

2023-08-08: Adapt to ChatGPT UI changes.

Version 1.0.4

2023-06-04: Adapt to ChatGPT UI changes.

Version 1.0.0

2023-04-19: First version.